viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

JC PENNEY: The great failure of North America in Chile

one of the great failures that occurred in Chile has to do with the U.S. store JC Penney.
notwithstanding that this store has a great success in the U.S., here in Chile, it was not two years on the market. in 1995 set up his first store in the Mall Alto Las Condes, which only lasted two years and after-business does not fructify, the shares were sold to "Almacenes Paris" CENCOSUD retail.
the reasons were:

The store only considered the supply of clothing, however, Chile's retail stores offer a wider range of products and services such as appliances, electronics, etc.. (similar to the format of the English Court). In addition, most of the costumes did not fit with the taste Chilean and sizes presented in the American format.

Another variable affecting was that Chilean business houses, offer credit cards themselves, however, never wanted JC Penney offer direct credit to their customers.

The JC Penney executive roster consisted exclusively of Americans, who failed to win any local partner that will support and advise on the Chilean market. During the period under review, the executive team failed to establish relationships with local suppliers and failed to respond to a market as competitive as the Chilean retailing.

Also at that time were not yet developed the public relations, as they are today. today are at the forefront of communications, so if in this time JC PENNEY be installed again in Chile, with proper management, recognized to be a success and not a flop.

“The effectiveness of the tools of Public Relations”

One of the tools of public relations is the Internet, which helps the message of a RR.PP campaign to be effective as its main objective.
A clear example of this, is how Google has improved the search quality of information and as a result, the mass can find what you need, providing an opportunity for companies to be recognized also for this great tool.

The key to the success of any public relations campaign in order to be clear about why you want to communicate, who will communicate, and what message you want to convey. next to that, it will be clear that PLS tool type, since we know what we're going to communicate, to whom and why.
It is vital to bring dimension then the model Berlo communication process, where it is made clear that this process is communication itself, and that is the basis to understand and to apply himself, and as stated above for the effective communication.
This process has six components, these are; communication source, encoder, message, channel, decoder, receiver, these can be variable, depending on the particular context in the conversation (at Lopez. 1995), these components are part of a structure whose interaction is dynamic, to illustrate, the Consulate will be the source of communication, which aims to communicate the new focus of the consulate will be from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, the encoder is the secretary receptionist office, who will write a notice to the new schedule, the Post is reporting the new schedule, the station, digital medium in this case the internet, the decoder is email to registered users; receptor are Colombians have their registered email consulate. It is likely that this information should not work, as they may not all nationals can access internet.

To set an example to the effectiveness of the Internet as a communication tool, we take the example of Facebook, who for many companies provide their means of communicating with their target audiences, yes, you have to consider first what the public will will lead to greater effectiveness of the tool.

“El Rincón de Botero” is a restaurant bar, and most of it's target audience is young people, people of age range 20 to 60 years. This site has a page on facebook, and always publish their events, meals, and data between different things and this makes its income rise since Facebook is the channel by which communicates each of its activities. The public addresses to which most often is connected to facebook therefore further expected effectiveness of the receptor response.
That is why, it is considered that the internet is one of the effective tools of communication and ensures rapid transmission of information

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

The Slenderman

The Slenderman story was born in Germany, in the medieval times, it became popular by some videos on the internet that show a very tall man, with long and thin arms and legs. He wears a black suit and people recognize him and became an urban myth, giving him the nickname of SLENDERMAN.
He was associated many times with death itself or  with paranormal vision that he will bring misfortune and discomfort to all who sees him or stay close to him. What slenderman does is psychologically traumatizing and kidnap people., Slenderman also has supernatural powers, he can produces amnesia, psychosis and even insomnia. Slenderman  will never stop hunting you, and always stalks his victims from a somewhat removed and hidden place, but in th more surprising moment he shows his inexistent white face like a fog and his incredible agility to take your stalking    losing consciousness, reason and consciousness.
This story is not a simple myth in the  city of Melipilla , some citizens say that Slenderman best known as the black man (devil) is a person who is about three metres high and has appeared in all four corners that too is a myth, because it is said that Melipilla means the four devils, but this is not all. Always when a person dies in the neighborhood where I live, this character appears in the house, trying to say that the person is raving like I was hallucinating their presence,  but is not that, close  sources close to me have seen him and have been terrified by their giant size and his black hat. My grandmother always told me before she died that she saw in her room a big man dress with black hat and all he did was make fun of her. She said that he laughed at her because she was in bed and that he used to visit her every day, as you can imagine no one believed and thought that she was already in the last well raving, but all this was corroborated by my brother and my cousin, whose before moving to my grandmother´s room, they had to go through the living room of my aunt and when they went to my grandmother´s room, they see sitting in the living room a giant with a black hat, and returned froze scared and they didn´t want to talk.  As a Myth nothing of this story is true (signature Calú. Jaja).